here are our bikes 30k into the trip:
The first day was real cold and grey, not to mention windy. Oh yeah, and we ended up taking a 30km detour.
Dayna kept hammering away.
There was lots of gravel.
nice riding:
Finally made it to our campsite which was nice and sandy. No electricity plus you need to leave your car at the park entrance, made for some nice neighbours. After everything was set up, I biked another 11k and back to town to get some food and firewood.
Next day we took "la route des champs" instead of the "route verte" and in addition to being more scenic, it also had a higher percentage of paved sections. It was warmer out too.
Biking in close proximity to farm animals is one of life's greatest pleasures.
This kind of stuff was a pleasure to ride on.
Back to Montreal after 2 days and 230km.